Daily Archives: September 18, 2015

Getting Intimate With Your Man’s Prostate and Why It Matters

September is National Prostate Awareness Month. Frankly, I would never have known if I did not write and report on health topics. Prostate cancer does not get the "noise" that breast cancer, or even ovarian cancer, receives. Yet, it is the most common cancer in men after skin cancer. According to statistics from the American
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This Former Air Force Colonel and Ovarian Cancer Survivor Went from Hospice to Healthy- Learn How September 21

Deanna Won  is a former U.S. Air Force Colonel and physicist who specialized in electro-optics and lasers for over 26 years. She worked in space launch, missile defense, biological defense and NATO operations.  But no military training prepared her for a battle with ovarian cancer. "When I was 45 years old, I experienced excruciating pain in
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