2/5 Sexual Enlightenment: Create lasting Love, Intimacy and Fulfillment (Dr.Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver)

sexy couple tantric sex tantranovaFreddy Zental and Dr. Elsbeth Meuth discuss how to add the sizzle back into your life.  Are you missing the tantalizing sense of passion and excitement in your life?  No need for forbidden pleasure, travel the path towards sexual enlightenment towards pleasure, creativity, and joy. Plus, you don’t even need a partner to do any of this.

Hot Freebies:  Valentines Gift for singles and couples available on 2/6: A meditation for self-love and a meditation to build a heart-to-heart connection on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCN8ZUtP2diU0G3vkbjP3Jwg

What to Expect on Wed at 1:00PST/4PM EST

  • Segment 1(radio): What is sexual enlightenment?  Some basic info on Tantra and why it may the best path for you?
  • Segment 2 (radio): Why Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be a downer for you? Advice on what to do if your partner and you have mismatched expectations for what Valentine’s Day is all about?
  • Segment 3: Call in for listener questions – or-submit below this post.

2 Articles on improving your love muscles and about Tantra by our guests:  Check out the Huffington Post article: What About Your Sexual Intelligence Quotient? and Better Sex? Breathe Deep and Do Your Kegels at: https://www.fireitupwithcj.com/2014/02/03/25-sexual-enlightenment-create-lasting-love-intimacy-fulfillment-dr-elsbeth-meuth-freddy-zental-weaver/