4/16: What it is like living in a Community? (Swami Asha Praver from Ananda)

Group of young people have meditation on yoga class. Yoga concepWhat would it be like living in a spiritual community?  Since the late 1960’s Swami Asha Praver has been living and now heads up one of the Ananda Communities located in a 900 acred property in Palo, Alto along with 200 other residents.  Join CJ as she dives into the ins and outs of spiritual communal living.  Hear from resident David Eby on what it’s like living in the community and raising a family.

Show Highlights:

  • What is a spiritual community? How does work look like? How does money work?
  • What are some of the benefits and downside of living in community?
  • Why does one choose to live in a community? What is it like to move your family and children to a community?

Get a video and blog post at: https://www.fireitupwithcj.com/2014/04/16/416-like-living-spiritual-community-swami-asha-praver-ananda/