Changing Your Life Instantly

You are a radiant being of light. More than likely, you have heard that time and time again. Chances are, you have not taken the time to understand the significance of it. Perhaps, you have ignored it, especially when life gets challenging. If you take the time to pay attention to this simple, easy, and free statement, you can change your life instantly.  You can use the “I AM” set of statements for fast results, especially if you use them daily, as you wake up and fall asleep.

Saying, “I AM _______________,” is a very powerful, life altering statement that is similar to an affirmation. More powerful than an affirmations, it activates the energy of your spiritual nature to transmute or change your circumstances in any area of your life. The true power of it is in the fact that you can make up your own statement.

The original I AM statements were written by Gary Ballard, early in the 20th century. On a trip to Mt. Shasta he believed he came upon St. Germain, an Ascended Master, while hiking a trail.

Whether you believe the story or not, say these and feel the power behind them.

Around people that are challenging:
“I AM the Perfect Poise which controls everything in this situation!”

When you feel fear around a person’s words:
“Mighty I AM Presence! Put me in my own right harmonious place and sustain me there!”

When people are telling how to behave or what to do:
“Mighty I AM Presence! Protect me from the human suggestions of the outer world!”

Make up your own for your own situation. As you wake up each day, or fall asleep at night, repeat them. These times are two of the most powerful ones to access your subconscious mind, too. Combining spirit with the subconscious creates fast change.

Engage your senses and emotions when you repeat your I AM’s. Feel like you have the results you want, for a moment. Changes happen quickly, and to a deep degree, in any situation. As you change yourself and the energy around you, you will affect positively the people and situations around you, too. It results in what is called miracles!

Joyce M. Jackson, the Sane Psychic,is Your Guide on the SANE Side. She  is a renowned San Francisco Bay Area based Psychic, Psychic Medium, Huna and Toltec trained Shamanic Practitioner, Usui and Toltec Nagual Reiki Master.She uniquely brings a calm, reassuring message in easy, simple terms for clarity to your life questions. She makes the psychic chaos clear. She delivers guidance with compassion and warmth through her ability to inspire real understanding and transformation to confused by unclear emotions and experiences. Read more and book your personal session with Joyce at The Sane Psychic.

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