Radio show host Joni Aldrich is pleased to announce the addition of a co-host, author and change agent Dr. Robert Rose, for her Wednesday show, Caregiving S.O.S. Dr. Rose has spent his adult life (he’s 80) EMPOWERING people. He’s done it with his students, parents, teachers, and patients. He applied it to his blended family of seven and each is happy and independent. He is now a Caregiver, and lea
rned the hard way (didn’t he learn it enough times?) to help his wife to EMPOWER herself. Joni says: “Dr. Rose will bring with him a unique, powerful perspective, including and beyond that of a male caregiver.” W4CY Radio brought to you by The Intertainment Network, Intertainment Network, The Intertainment Network, W4CS Radio – The Cancer Support Network, W4WN Radio – The Women 4 Women Network