Join RevSharon Shaw-MhD. Inner Lately for another beautiful INNER LATELY on TUESDAY, NOV.10TH @ 10 AM EST. W4WN.COM. Call 561-623-9421 or Skype: www.w4wnradioguest.com or login w4wnradio during the show to speak LIVE to RevSharon Shaw-Mh D. Start the day with positive intention and intuition!
Rev. Sharon Shaw-MhD. Is a graduate of Delphi Spiritual University in McCayesville GA., where she gives spiritual guidance to the world. As a visionary her gifts will assist you in reawakening to your greatness and to fall in love with the beauty of your spirit through meditation.
As an evolving Master Rev. Sharon is a truth seeker and a truth speaker who’s gifts of spirit have/are assisting many on their spiritual path. Rev. Sharon is a teacher of the path of the heart, which makes her a liberator by nature.
Reverend Sharon will help to liberate YOU from restriction, restraint, inhibitions of fear and limited view, which will help YOU to expand into a new level of awareness.
Merging Spirit teaches and offers a variety of classes, workshops, relationship building tools and various healing treatments, which are based on universal laws and spiritual principles. www.mergingspirit.com, 754-444-0430 or email: Sharonshaw@mergingspirit.com.