This Weeks Show: “Eat, Live & Be Strong” With Guests: Erin Chamerlik and Dr. Kristi Tough
Erin Chamerlik calls herself “The Real Food Revivalist“. She is a regular Health & Fitness contributor for LivingBetterat50+. Erin’s has a Master’s degree in Holistic Nutrition Education and a BS -Biology, from the University of Wisconsin, she’s a Medical Technologist and owns a holistic nutrition education company, Get Better Wellness, website:
Dr. Kristi Tough–With “Speaking of Women’s Health“, holds a medical degree from the University of Texas School of Medicine in San Antonio and an undergraduate degree from Tufts University in Boston. Dr. Tough is completing a multidisciplinary Women’s Health Fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic, with a certification in office based gynecology procedures, following her residency in internal medicine at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.