Wednesday, May 28th at 3pm EST, on Internet Radio to hear from my next guest Dr. Libby Weaver on The FINE to FAB Show. Hot on the heels of her best-selling book Accidentally Overweight, Dr Libby Weaver’s second book Rushing Woman’s Syndrome is already another number 1 best-seller. Rushing Woman’s Syndrome describes the biochemical and emotional effects of constantly being in a rush and the health consequences that urgency elicits.
It doesn’t seem to matter if a woman has two things to do in her day or two hundred, she is in a pressing rush to do it all. She is often wound up like a top, running herself ragged in a daily battle to keep up. There is always so much to do, and she very rarely feels like she wins, is in control and gets on top of things. In fact her deep desire to control even the smaller details of life can leave her feeling out of control, even of herself. Overwhelmed, at times she feels like she can’t cope, whether she admits it out loud or keeps it all inside, adding to her wound up, knotted stomach. She is fortunate if her sex hormones are balanced. Most women in this state suffer terribly with their periods and women who go into menopause in this state usually find it debilitating. Dr Libby combines two decades of personal experience, fourteen years of university and thirteen years of clinical experience in her unique conversational style to offer you real solutions to both the biochemistry and the emotional patterns of the rush. This was an incredible show you can listen to the FINE to FAB Show LIVE with Lisa Lieberman-Wang & Dr. Libby by clicking the link below.
[mp3player width=325 height=25 config=radio_show_no_logo.xml file=https://s3.amazonaws.com/finetofab/Radio+Shows/Fine_To_Fab_05-29_2013.mp3]
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