WEEKLY Live Radio Show with Sally A Curtis – “The Success Secrets Exposed” Radio Show & Podcast
Find us here: https://w4wn.com/shows/success-secrets-exposed/
29th July 8.30 am Adelaide, 9:00 am Sydney Time & Thursday 28th July at 7 pm New York time
———————————Quick Overview—————————————————–
We have a lot to look forward to as we grow older. In midlife, we can expect to become happier, to want to leave our mark on the world, and we start to think about succession. In this episode, we talk with Deborah Heiser on how we can do this, why we are built to to this, and why it is so important we talk about this.
Deborah is an Applied Developmental Psychologist with a specialty in aging. She is an award winning researcher, author and CEO of The Mentor Project. She is also a 100 Coaches, and on the Thinkers50 Radar 2022 list.
———————————Watch and Listen to us Here—————————
Watch us Live on Youtube Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/twistedconnector/
Listen Live on Internet Radio Here: https://w4wn.com/shows/success-secrets-exposed/
Join Our Facebook Group – Success Secrets Exposed Community Here: (To watch the replay) https://www.facebook.com/groups/sallyacurtisshow/
Want to Listen on the RUN!!!
Previous Show as Podcasts available here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/209-success-secrets-exposed-71813108/
Not to be missed!!
——————————-About Success Secrets Exposed Show————–
What is the Success Secret Exposed Show about?
Success Secrets Exposed is a fun, inspiring and informative show on the secrets of success and the challenging stories behind them.
Sally leads intimate conversations with today’s thought leaders, change-makers, disrupters and masters of their inner genius. Bringing you tips, strategies and insightful perspectives on a range of topics shaping our life’s and businesses growth, revealing the humaneness of success & challenge.
“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much”
- Helen Keller