WEEKLY Live Radio Show with Sally A Curtis – “The Success Secrets Exposed” Radio Show & Podcast
Find us here: https://w4wn.com/shows/success-secrets-exposed/
29th July 8.30 am Adelaide, 9:00 am Sydney Time & Thursday 28th July at 7 pm New York time
———————————Quick Overview—————————————————–
If you’ve ever struggled to communicate what you do clearly and succinctly, this episode is for you. In this episode, Renée shares her award-winning Think RAPT system that wraps up your complex thoughts into four powerful visual models. These four models accelerate your ability to streamline your service delivery, stand out in a competitive market and scale your operations.
———————————Watch and Listen to us Here—————————
Watch us Live on Youtube Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/twistedconnector/
Listen Live on Internet Radio Here: https://w4wn.com/shows/success-secrets-exposed/
Join Our Facebook Group – Success Secrets Exposed Community Here: (To watch the replay) https://www.facebook.com/groups/sallyacurtisshow/
Want to Listen on the RUN!!!
Previous Show as Podcasts available here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/209-success-secrets-exposed-71813108/
Not to be missed!!
——————————-About Success Secrets Exposed Show————–
What is the Success Secret Exposed Show about?
Success Secrets Exposed is a fun, inspiring and informative show on the secrets of success and the challenging stories behind them.
Sally leads intimate conversations with today’s thought leaders, change-makers, disrupters and masters of their inner genius. Bringing you tips, strategies and insightful perspectives on a range of topics shaping our life’s and businesses growth, revealing the humaneness of success & challenge.
“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much”
- Helen Keller