Lee Ann Somers will be Sarah’s guest TOMORROW, Tuesday 1/21 @ 5PM ET!

Lee Ann Somers will be Sarah’s guest TUESDAY, 1/21/14 @ 5PM ET!

Tuesday 1/21/14 at 5PM ET call and speak with Sarah, Spirit, & Lee Ann!
Call (561) 422 4365 / Skype W4WNRadio

SarahSpiritual’s show on W4WN is ALL ABOUT YOU!  Your calls, your questions, your thoughts.  Your connection with Spirit. Your spiritual growth, personal transformation and ascension. “Spiritually Speaking” is about empowering women and people from ALL walks of life!

About Sarah’s Guest, Lee Ann Somers…
Lee Ann Somers

For over a decade, Lee Ann Somers has been a Traditional Usui Reiki Master Teacher and a student of the Archangels and Ascended Masters who have guided every step of her spiritual growth. She now loving channels their energy, messages, and teachings about the Cosmic Healing Rays through private sessions, guided meditations, and group workshops. She is a “Lightworker for Lightworkers,” and her mission is to empower every person she meets to know themselves as the authentic Divine Being that they are, to help all of humanity experience Unconditional Love, and to hold a space of creation for infinite possibilities.

 Visit Lee Ann’s Web Sites!


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