Connecting With Angels

Have you ever thought you had some one looking out for you? Have you ever considered that you might have a guardian angel?

Tune in to hear Dr Jo Anne White, host of Power Your Life, and guest Colleen DiGiacomo as they talk about connecting with angels.

Colleen DiGiacomo is the founder of Angel Wisdom. As an angel intuitive/medium, spiritual healer, and coach, Colleen partners with spirit and works with each guest personally on their specific needs. Colleen respects and encourages the greatness in all of us & teaches how to use the tools of self-love.

Tune in Monday, January 6th, at 8pm (Eastern) to hear author and host Dr Jo Anne White chat with Colleen DiGiacomo and learn how connecting with angels can help in your life.


Women4Women Network: Monday, January 6th, 2014 8:00PM (Eastern)

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