Heartfelt Joy and Humor on “CHER”ing “my” Smile” Radio Show

‎”THERE CAN BE MIRACLES WHEN YOU BELIEVE…” Please tune into my radio show, “CHER”ing “my” Smile”, formerly Unforgettable Facebook Conne

ctions this Monday, 1.9.12 at 3:00 PM EST-4:00 Join me on W4WN Radio – The Women 4 Women Network with special guest Carra Riley.

Carra Riley lives in  Williams,  AZ  Gateway to the Grand Canyon

Carra is a Real Estate and Small Business Consultant, Author, and Speaker. She is the author of the Cosmic Cow Pie book series. Her 1st book was Cosmic Cow Pie…Connecting The Dots  ( I loved this book and we had her on the show when it launched). She has just completed a kids series of e-workbooks for Preschool to High school and we will be talking about those today. This past year Carra and her husband took a voyage around the world and she is working on Cosmic Cow Pie…Connecting The Dots Around The world. She will share with us the Rule of the Taj  which was inspired from the Taj Mahal and the Rule of 18 miles which was inspired from the Amazon River at the meeting of the waters.  Great concepts to reduce stress and create balance from around the world. Carra is also working on a cook book Called Cosmic Cuisine a cook book with fun easy to create entertaining dishes.

Her personal Mission Statement:

To help people, one at a time, with heartfelt joy and humor.


To get  free chapter of any of Carra’s Books go to Cosmic Cow Pie.com, sign up for a free chapter and you will then be notified when the new books launch. She also has a FREE  30 minute conference calendar so go to hire carra on the Cosmic Cow Pie website and set a time to talk about your small business or social media needs.





928-486-2689 cell
928-268-3461 fax

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