Overcoming Emotional Eating and Enlightened Leadership

Are you ready to stop obsessing over food and have a peaceful relationship with food and your body?

Are you ready to follow the intuitive intelligence of your heart?


Gillian Hood is an Author, Speaker, and Wellness Coach who specializes in overcoming overeating and intuitive, mindful eating. After years of failed diets, over exercising, and obsession with food and her body, Gillian discovered powerful keys to break the cycle of “living to eat”, and created a positive “eat to live” method, where she could still enjoy her favorite foods anytime while naturally maintaining her health and weight and shares her keys with her clients. She achieves life changing results with them, bringing a unique perspective on what it’s like to be trapped in “diet prison”, and what it takes to break free of the diet mentality and get off the emotional eating roller coaster.


Anya Sophia Mann is a Master Intuitive and Visionary Intuitive Consultant and Speaker. She’s also an author, with 2 books on Amazon’s Bestseller List, as well as the Founder and Editor of LifeCoachingMagazine.net. Anya is a Producer and Host for several radio shows, including ‘Quantum Alchemy Radio’ and ‘Unwavering Strength’ radio. With 25+ years in the field of human development, Anya has excelled through leading workshops, seminars, retreats, and her private consultancy.


Tune in Monday, December 48th, 2014 at 8PM (Eastern) to hear Dr Jo Anne White chat with Gillian Hood and Anya Sophia Mann and learn how you can be happy with yourself and listen to your heart.


Women4Women Network: Monday, December 8th, 2014 8:00PM (Eastern)



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