WEEKLY Live Radio Show with Sally A Curtis – “The Success Secrets Exposed” Radio Show & Podcast
Find us here: https://w4wn.com/shows/success-secrets-exposed/
1st October 8.30 am Adelaide, 9 am Sydney Time & Thursday 30th September at 7 pm New York time
———————————Quick Overview——————————————————-
The way we do business has altered dramatically since the global pandemic began. Businesses who have been hit with crippling lockdowns have had to reinvent themselves and the way they operate just to survive. Enter the Virtual Assistant (VA); once a well-kept secret of early tech adopters and work-from-anywhere entrepreneurs, VAs are a skilled online workforce that many businesses are turning to in order to navigate the ‘new business normal’ that looks like it’s here to stay.
My guest on this episode of Success Secrets Exposed, Ingrid Bayer, is a thought leader, transformational thinker, and one of the brightest minds in the Virtual Assistant Industry today.
With a background that spans over 30 years in administration roles across many industries, and over 13 years spent running a highly successful Virtual Assistant business from her home office in regional NSW, Australia, Ingrid now devotes her time to working strategically in the growing Virtual Assistant Industry through VA Institute, a business which she founded and launched in 2017.
With a strong focus and passion on building and advocating for an industry founded on the core principles of excellence, authenticity and sustainability, since 2017 Ingrid has helped over 500 EAs, PAs and Admin professionals successfully transition into their own Virtual Assistant businesses through her VA Startup Program.
A published author of three books, Ingrid transforms and inspires the VA Industry and its stakeholders to be the best, expect the best, and deliver the best beyond mere technical skills.
———————————Watch and Listen to us Here———————–
Watch us Live on Youtube Here: https://www.youtube.com/user/twistedconnector/
Listen Live on Internet Radio Here: https://w4wn.com/shows/success-secrets-exposed/
Join Our Facebook Group – Success Secrets Exposed Community Here: (To watch the replay) https://www.facebook.com/groups/sallyacurtisshow/
Want to Listen on the RUN!!!
Previous Show as Podcasts available here: https://www.iheart.com/podcast/209-success-secrets-exposed-71813108/
Not to be missed!!
——————————-About Success Secrets Exposed Show————–
What is the Success Secret Exposed Show about?
Success Secrets Exposed is a fun, inspiring and informative show on the secrets of success and the challenging stories behind them.
Sally leads intimate conversations with today’s thought leaders, change-makers, disrupters and masters of their inner genius. Bringing you tips, strategies and insightful perspectives on a range of topics shaping our life’s and businesses growth, revealing the humaneness of success & challenge.
“Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much”
– Helen Keller