A Better Life

Please join Isabella Stoloff and her guest Heather Fleming on Tuesday, May 8 at 7pm Pacific, 10 Eastern time. Heather is the founder of Conscious Nutrition® and believes your body possesses an innate intelligence guiding you toward disease free living.

Helping others to live a life of balance and vitality began for Heather when she earned her B.S. in Nutritional Science from the University of Nebraska – though she now lives in San Diego. Her personal journey of discovering the connection between what to feed the body and healing the body inspired her to develop the Conscious Nutrition® program.

Heather tells us, “The human body yearns to be balanced and healthy. The Conscious Nutrition® programs help you reset your mind and body to their original intentions. When you are balanced you naturally crave the healthy foods that support your body’s best performance. When you start to lose your balance due to stress, outside pressures, or insecurities, the Conscious Nutrition® program gives you simple tools and guidance so you can recover quickly, and get back into balance with nature.”

Conscious Nutrition® focuses on nutrition, conscious thought, relationship with food, and freedom from diet and restriction. The philosophy and program integrate real life experience and suggestions to support a life saturated with vitality and nourishment.

This past holiday season, Heather organized a pre-holiday ‘Healthy Happy Hour®.’ The event began with a centering guided meditation and yoga, followed by freshly prepared healthy appetizers paired with an organic wine, all enjoyed while discussing gratefulness as well as how to maintain a healthy lifestyle and mind set during the holiday season. The intention of the evening was to assist in de-stressing before the holidays and inviting more JOY into everyday life. Participants even took home healthy recipes.

Visit Heather’s truly fabulous website to learn more about Conscious Nutrition®, watch videos, find healthy living tips, recipes, or to receive Heather’s blog and nutritional newsletter at www.ConsciousNutrition.com Contact Heather at info@consciousnutrition.com You can also find Heather on Twitter: ConsciousNut, and on Facebook: ConsciousNutrition@gmail.com

To find out more about Isabella and her Shamanic healing sessions, classes, events, trips to Peru, informative videos, and pictures, visit her Orange County Healing Center website: ochealingcenter.com Isabella is on Facebook and Twitter. Join Isabella’s mailing list.

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