Join Isabella Stoloff this Tuesday April 24, 7pm Pacific and 10pm Eastern for A Better Life. Be prepared to fall in love with her guest, Dr Sarah Larsen!
Dr Sarah is a 3rd Generation Palm Reader, a Psychic Counselor, Medical Intuitive, Medical Doctor, the founder of Organic Health Mastery, and a Certified NLP and EFT Practitioner.
Her education as a healer began with her grandmother in rural Pakistan where she was born. She went on to receive a degree as Medical Doctor from Medical University of the Americas. Her approach to healing using hand analysis, intuition and healing is described as merging ancient wisdom, science, and spirituality for optimal living.
Sarah lives in Los Angeles, CA and in Linwood, MN with her husband and two children. Sarah says she’s grateful for the life she is able to live and wants to give back.
“I was born in Pakistan to my mother who married my father at 13 years old. My parents immigrated to the land of the free to educate my brothers, sister and me. Everyday I thank God, the universe, and them for that decision. Being in the states allows me the ability to express myself and my full potential. Being of eastern heritage has allowed me to stay connected to ancient wisdom and truth. I have been given so much and I know so much. I intend to contribute in a deep and meaningful way to you and all beings that have been guided here.”
Dr Sarah says, “my wisdom in medicine began with my grandmother, who gave me a knowing of the Mind, Body, and Spirit Connection. I went to medical school to make sense of the “knowing” I had about that connection.” Later she began her journey into medicine after discovering a love for it as an undergraduate at Louisiana State University. She felt fortunate to be accepted into the fourth best medical school in India, Kasturba Medical College.
“I studied, volunteered, and worked in various capacities in India, Trinidad, Miami, Washington D.C., Atlanta, and rural cities in Louisiana. I completed medical school at Medical University of the Americas, an off shore medical school that allowed me to work with some of the most prominent doctors in their fields. The approach I learned in India focused on anatomy (two years of dissection alone), physiology and biochemistry, with a focus on nutritional biochemistry, physiology and the body’s intelligence.”
“I have passed United States Medical Licensing Exams on the road to practice in the US and discovered I heal outside of the traditional allopathic (western) scope.”
You can learn more about Dr Sarah Larsen at her web site
Visit Isabella Stoloff’s website at to find out about her Shamanic healing work, watch videos, see pictures.
I am so excited for Dr. Sarah to be on the show! I love all the amazing wisdom and insight she has to offer!