don Jose Ruiz will be Sarah’s Guest Tues July 23 5-6 PM ET on Spiritually Speaking

SarahSpiritual’s new show on W4WN is ALL ABOUT YOU!  Your calls, your questions, your thoughts.  Your connection with Spirit. Your spiritual growth, personal transformation and ascension. “Spiritually Speaking” is about empowering women and people from ALL walks of life!

don Jose Ruiz, author of the 5th Agreement will be Sarah’s guest!
Learn about the 5th Agreement!

TUES July 23 at 5PM ET call and speak with Sarah, Spirit & don Jose!
Call (561) 422 4365 / Skype W4WNRadio

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In 2010, don Jose Ruiz released his first book titled The Fifth Agreement in partnership with his father, don Miguel Ruiz. don Jose’s message and The Fifth Agreement is rapidly growing and being shared around the world. His message is changing lives and is bringing people closer to themselves more than ever before. His passion is to help children stay away from gangs and drugs by developing a healthy outlet such as learning to play a musical instrument as well as develop other creative avenues. He will continue to share the wisdom of his family lineage through his own life experiences. don Jose enjoys working with people of all faiths and cultures. He sees all men and women as equals and feels it’s a blessing to be alive. His upcoming events include tours in Mexico, South America and the United States.

Click HERE for don Jose’s Web Site

Click HERE for don Jose’s Facebook Page

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