Fabulous Interview with Sajit Greene, Empowerment Coach for Women

Today we had a powerful interview with Sajit Greene, Empowerment Coach and Astrological Counselor for Women. Her inspiring story began in 2005 when she was a psychotherapist working at an agency. She counseled survivors of torture. She loved her work helping these individuals overcome the many challenges they faced. She chose to transition from the agency into her own practice through a combination of outer “signs from the universe” and her own astrological insight.
It was her discovery that she wanted to launch her own practice, utilizing her authentic and spiritual guidance to help other women entrepreneurs. This transition came amidst challenging changes affecting the agency she’d been with. She felt that the agency was no longer serving her or the clients in a safe, ethical and spiritual manner.
Developing her business meant identifying her ideal clients. It became clear to Sajit that to empower women to be true to themselves both in the business arena and in their intimate lives was how she could best serve her mission.
In her coaching practice today, she brings a powerful toolbox filled with a variety of ways to help women access their authentic place – guiding them to identifying their truth-meter. She does this through creative therapeutic approaches including dance, journaling, art and other forms of body movement.
As Sajit shares, “…the body doesn’t lie…you feel your truth in your gut, stomach and solar plexus.” These are the most powerful messages our body uses to identify when we are fully engaged with our truth and authentic self. When we can become more aware of our body sensations it helps us know when we are aligned with our truth or not. Many factors affect women and can stop them from living in an authentic place. These may stem from what we are taught, how we are raised, cultural influences and religious interpretations.
Once we become aligned with our truth and live authentically, our bodies respond positively. We feel more grounded, breathe more freely, feel a great sense of clarity and passion, and have deep inner peace.
Today, Sajit shared with us two powerful tools that she uses to guide her clients. The first tool is Evolutionary Astrology. Sajit works from the belief that souls reincarnate and evolve over many lifetimes and are therefore born with pre-existing experiences and orientations that affect the soul’s current incarnation. The birth chart is believed to show the soul’s intent, the life lessons of a person’s present life, and to give insight into the old baggage that may be holding a person back from living their truth.
Her second tool, based on the work of Byron Katie, is a series of four questions to ask when you are seeking the truth. She invites her clients to participate in an active internal dialogue that questions your stressful thoughts. This is achieved by asking four powerful questions: Is it true? Can you absolutely know it’s true? How do you feel, react, and behave when you believe a stressful thought is true? Who would you be without that thought? Extremely powerful questions that help women bring to light their truth and authentically divine self.
Thank you Sajit for an enlightening interview. It has empowered women to discover their authenticity and truth. Please take time to visit her website: www.soulvisionconsulting.com and sign up for her monthly newsletter, Soul Vision. Also, take advantage of her complimentary “Be True to You” discovery session. You can connect with Sajit and sign up for her complimentary discovery session at sajit@soulvisionconsulting.com
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