Gorman Girls. Opinons? Yeah, we got ’em. We have opnions of fashion, technology, child-rearing, tattoos, liposuction, food, how to drive and pretty much what is and is not correct in any and all circumstances. If we don’t currently possess and opinion on a particular topic, we are willing to develop on at the drop of a hat. Luckily, our listeners become automatic honarary Gorman Girls, meaning that their opinions carry the same high status as ours.
The Gorman Girls will address the issues that all women recognize as needing our collective input. Issues such as: “Why are neither customers nor service addressed in customer service?” “How to discuss politics with friends or family members who have different (aka stupid) points of view?” “Which is worse, texting at the dinner table or texting while driving? Sure, one is more dangerous….”.
Please join us weekly from 12-1P EST. And please add your comments here. We’re happy to come up with an opinion on anything you’d like. Or e-mail us at gormangirls@w4wn.com. Tune in and be a Gorman Girl too!