133 million Americans – 45% of the population – have at least one chronic disease. Nearly half are women. For women living with a chronic illness such as arthritis, cancer or an autoimmune disease, intimacy can be a super-sensitive topic. Sexuality Expert and Psychologist Dr. Logan Levkoff joins me to discuss how to start the conversation with your partner, address emotional anxiety and find ways to embrace intimacy with confidence and fulfillment. This is an important topic that, according to the National Institute of Health is now accepted as a fundamental part of healthcare.
A recognized expert on sexuality and relationships, Dr. Logan Levkoff encourages honest conversation about sexuality and the role it plays in our culture. Logan makes it clear that sex and sexuality are not “dirty” words; she works to create an environment where people feel comfortable asking (and getting answers to) their most personal questions.
June 12, 4pmEST on Fearless Fabulous YOU! Live on W4WN. Podcast to iHeart.com.

Books by Melanie Young. Available nationwide on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other booksellers.