It takes just seven seconds for a seasoned criminal to size you up and decide whether to rob or assault you, according to a book I just read called “The New Super Power for Women.” It’s written by Steve Kardian, a longtime law enforement officer and FBI defense tactics instructor who is a Founder of Defend University in Westchester County, NY, specializing in self-defense for women. The book taught me that even the strongest woman can be vulnerable to the unthinkable if she doesn’t trust her intuition and isn’t mindful of her surroundings. This book gives you a blow-by-blow on how to identify a risky situation and reduce your own risk of an assault, what tools to have and how to respond.
Reading it made me realize that many of the actions of my adventurous, well traveled younger days were potentially risky in the wrong company, and all women at any age need to know basic self defense to protect themselves against everything from robbery and carjacking to stalking and sexual assault. Steve will discuss simple and smart moves you can do now to avoid a potentially dangerous situation. I will be writing a follow up blog post with more tips on self defense as we enter what Steve refers to as “The Red Zone” starting in September when young college women are most vulnerable to sexual assault.
August 7, 4pmEST on Fearless Fabulous YOU!

Books by Melanie Young. Purchase on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, CureDiva