Ears will be burning and so will Melanie Young‘s show topic December 29 on Fearless Fabulous You! on W4WN– the Women for Women Network. The guest is Barbara Musser, who served as Melanie’s “sexpert” in her first book, “Getting Things Off My Chest: A Survivor’s Guide to Staying Fearless & Fabulous in the Face of Breast Cancer.” We will dedicate the show to addressing questions about intimacy and sexuality, not only after cancer but also during and after menopause, divorce and a myriad of stages in one’s life where you may need some additional mental lubrication -and a bit more – to reconnect with your sexual self.
Barbara Musser is a wise and inspiring intimacy and sexuality speaker, educator and coach, facilitator and author. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1989 as a young single woman. She married and had a child after treatment. Since then, she has worked with thousands of women, couples, and health care professionals, specializing in creating programs to re-ignite intimacy, sexuality and relationships after cancer. She does this with wisdom, humor and grace and she is opening up the dialog about cancer and sexuality on the national platform.

Barbara is the founder and CEO of Sexy After Cancer. She is the author of Sexy After Cancer ~ Meeting Your Inner Aphrodite on the Breast Cancer Journey. She is a member of AASECT, the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists and ISSWSH, the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. She writes a weekly Sexy Saturdays blog, hosts the Inspire Program for Breast Cancer Wellness Magazine and writes regularly for Breast Cancer Answers, The Plum online magazine.
Barbara has also contributed chapters to 10 to Thrive ~ A Comprehensive, Easy-to-read Guide to Life After Cancer for Young Adults (Top Ten Tips for Getting Your Sexy and Mojo On) and to American Breast Care’s Faces of Inspiration (Finding Your Joy).
Have questions for Barbara for this show? Please email then before Dec . 29, 6 pm ET to either: melanie@fearlessfabulousyou.com or barbara@sexyaftercancer. Reference: “Fearless Fabulous You!”
Fearless Fabulous You! hosted by Melanie Young airs live Mondays 9pm ET/6pm PT on W4WN and on demand anytime at iHeart Radio. Each week Melanie features inspiring women and experts on health, wellness, nutrition and inspired living. Follow Melanie on Twitter @mightymelanie and Facebook.com/FearlessFabulousMelanie
Melanie is author of the new book, Fearless Fabulous You! Lessons on Living Life on Your Terms, available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and indepedent bookstores nationwide.