If your Passion is Crashin’ tune into Fearless Fabulous You! September 12, 4pmEST with Host Melanie Young www.W4WN.com www.iHeart.com
According to my Sept 12th. show guest, Dr. Madeleine Castellanos, a NYC based psychiatrist. “Although expectations are a normal part of your brain’s functioning, they don’t always work to your advantage.”
Dr. Castellanos works as a sex therapist helping individuals and couples who are experiencing intimacy issues. She notes in her book, Wanting To Want: What Kills Your Sex Life and What Keeps it Alive, “Unfortunately, expectations are commonly to blame for sexual dissatisfaction.” www.thesexmd.com
She calls herself “Madame Ovary…..”
And he’s a renowned specialist on the topics of fertility, sexual awareness and menopause: seven books to be exact.

Dr. Mary Jane Minken is a clinical professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Services at the Yale University School of Medicine, and has been in private practice in New Haven, CT for more than 35 years.
September is Menopause Awareness Month. Dr. Minken will discuss what you need to know as you head into your “eternal Summer” in your September years. And we’ll discuss some interesting facts about how lubricants and various forms of birth control can impact your fertility. This is a great show for women of any age.

The Mission of Fearless Fabulous You! is to spotlight inspiring women around the world and provide expert tips on healthy living to inform and empower you to be your best wellness advocate.
Books by Melanie Young. Available Nationwide on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and CureDiva!