After years of depression and seeking peace, Rhonda Jones discovered the importance of being still with God and having a joyful life. “We are all seeking help and deliverance from something,” said Help Me God! Change My Life Author Rhonda Jones. “Yet deliverance does not come from changing our external circumstances. The victory we seek comes from transforming our inner being, that hidden and unconscious part of us that has been carrying around decades of baggage, weights, and erroneous and limiting beliefs,”
she said. Rhonda Jones, MA is the creator of the award-winning website The Christian Mediator and creator of the over 25 Christian Meditation and Relaxation CD Series that allows people to meditate on God in a way that completely brings them closer to God and increases their faith. She conducts workshops and retreats teaching the transformation power of abiding in God’s presence. She resides in California and is the mother of three daughters and a grandmother.