A pioneer in the practice of Medical Esthetics and Aesthetic Rehabilitation, Alison O’Neil has built a successful career in beauty. Yet she says on her website “I have struggled to feel beautiful my whole life.” It took a quiet afternoon spent in a garden with her dying father in 2005 for Alison to redefine the true meaning of beauty as inner strength, perseverance and unconditional love. The seeds of new mission in her life were planted that day in the garden.
In memory of her father and in an effort to honor and serve what Alison refers to as “our national treasures” -the elderly- Alison established the Beauty Becomes You® 501 (c)(3) Charitable Foundation which serves the aesthetic health and hygiene needs of senior adults. Beauty Becomes You takes a holistic approach to providing aesthetic services and products to the elderly in a nurturing environment with licensed professionals.
Directly “touching” them through the provision of personal grooming solutions that maintain and improve appearance, preserve the dignity and self-respect of senior adults, lift self-esteem, and ensure a strong sense of personal pride, the mission of the Beauty Becomes You® Foundation is to prevent Failure to Thrive Syndrome. Becomes You® Foundation is to prevent Failure to Thrive Syndrome. Through the generous contributions of over 500 professional volunteers & students BBY has served more than 5000 senior adults over 15,000 in-kind services since 2006

Alison is a recipient of the 2015 L’Oreal Paris Women of Worth award, for Beauty Becomes You. On my January 4th edition of Fearless Fabulous You! we’ll discuss how Beauty Becomes You works, how seniors benefit from touch therapy and how you can apply therapeutic touch to an elderly loved one in your care. We’ll also discuss the field of Geriatric Aesthetics”© and her new e-commerce for caregivers – Senior Select Solutions launching this month. Monday, January 4, 4:28pmET on W4WN- the Women4Women Network and iHeart.com and iHeart App. Here is the cut and paste link: https://www.iheart.com/show/209-Fearless-Fabulous-You/

Treat Yourself to a New You this New Year. Join me on my Fabulous Retreat to Baja, Mexico to rejuvenate, recharge and restore your mind, body and energy. Book now at www.MyRetreatsUnlmited.com
Books by Melanie Young. Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and CureDiva.