Make it your resolution to shine the light! Two of my New Years’ resolutions were to 1. shine more from within and live in the moment and 2. share the light with others to brighten their lives. Lightness of being is both unburdening and giving. My guests January will address lightness in two very different ways.
Dr. Stacey Radin, Enlightening Girls to Share the Light
For decades Dr. Stacey Radin has dedicated her career to the development of both adolescent girls and women, professionally as a psychologist, researcher, and leadership consultant; and personally as a volunteer, speaker, and board member of not-for-profit organizations.

Dr. Radin is the founder of Unleashed, a social justice and leadership program that transforms the lives of middle-school girls. Unleashed empowers girls to take a stand against an injustice they care deeply about and advocating for animal rights and welfare in the process. At a pivotal time in their lives, girls learn to advocate for others; think critically about a complex social problem; and, most importantly, gain confidence in their ability to lead and effect change.
Unleashed runs its own puppy rescue, which allows girls in an Unleashed program to interact directly with the puppies they are advocating for. During the 12-week program, girls spend time with newly rescued puppies, placing them in foster homes and helping connect the puppies to their forever home.
Dr. Radin worked with a think tank of 20 women to build the foundation for Unleashed which launched in 2010 as a pilot program in two New York City schools. The curriculum is based on her model of power and expertise in leadership development, and incorporated the philosophies of social-emotional intelligence, feminism, social justice, child development, and animal rights. Since its inception, more than 300 girls have participated in the Unleashed program which has now expanded to 12 different sites and 24 different middle schools and community centers throughout New York City.
Dr. Radin’s book Brave Girls: Raising Young Women with Passion and Purpose to Become Powerful Leaders has just been published by Simon and Schuster.
Dr. Sabrina Brem: Helping You Find Your Light During Winter’s Darkness
Winter for many is more than shorter days and longer nights. The early morning/night darkness can also lead to darker moods which, for some, can lead to anxiousness, sleep apnea, overeating, weight gain and difficulty concentrating. Staying inside and not getting enough healthy outdoor exercise and natural daylight can do this to us.

Nurse Practitioner,
So can Seasonal Affective Disorder, commonly referred to as SAD. Affecting over half a million Americans, SAD is a type of depression that occurs during the winter months. I’ll be speaking with Dr. Sabrina Brem, DNP, FNP-BC, a doctorally-prepared family nurse practitioner at ColumbiaDoctors and an instructor of nursing at Columbia University School of Nursing, about the symptoms of SAD and what you can to effectively manage them to have more energy and “lightness of being” until Spring rolls around.
As a seasonable SAD sufferer myself, here are some of my favorite winter busting blues tips:
1. Avoid winter hibernation. Get outside and stay social. Make lunch or dinner dates with friends to get you out.
2. Maximize your exposure to daylight by going outside after sunrise or midday and opening up the curtains to let in more light;
3. Get enough sleep and exercise. Rest will restore you. Exercise will re-energize you
4. Eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially summery citrus fruits. Try to reduce your consumption of heavier, fattier foods and carbohydrates.
5. Wear brighter colored clothes or at least a bright scarf or hat to brighter your complexion and your mood.
6. Find a creative outlet to stimulate your mind and senses.
7. Listen to upbeat music.
Fearless Fabulous You!, hosted by Melanie Young, airs live Mondays, 9pm ET/6pm PT on W4WN.com and is available on demand at iHeart Radio under Shows & Personalities. Each week Melanie interviews inspiring women and experts in women’s health, nutrition and well-being.