Daily Archives: March 13, 2012

DIAGNOSIS S.O.S., Tues., March 13, 2:00 p.m. EST on W4WN

Sleep apnea is believed to affect at least 1 out of every 200 Americans; 70 to 90 percent are men, mostly middle-aged. But the condition can afflict both men or women at any age. People with this disorder actually may stop breathing while asleep - even hundreds of times - without being aware of the problem. In severe cases,
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Can you sell YOU? It’s easier than you think!

What's your favorite business book? Mine is You, Inc. authored by Christine Clifford and Harry Beckwith. Christine was a recent guest on Susan Rich Talks…Your Marketing Plan and she summarized why this tell-all little red book is so perfect for business owners, sales people, and job seekers alike: "People value and pay for the
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