Daily Archives: February 3, 2014

2/5 Sexual Enlightenment: Create lasting Love, Intimacy and Fulfillment (Dr.Elsbeth Meuth and Freddy Zental Weaver)

Freddy Zental and Dr. Elsbeth Meuth discuss how to add the sizzle back into your life.  Are you missing the tantalizing sense of passion and excitement in your life?  No need for forbidden pleasure, travel the path towards sexual enlightenment towards pleasure, creativity, and joy. Plus, you don't even need a partner to do any
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Advocacy Heals U, Tues., 2/4, 2:00 pm ET w/guest Dr. Maryanne McGuckin

Join  international advocates Joni Aldrich (www.jonialdrich.com) and Chris Jerry (www.emilyjerryfoundation.org) on 2/4 at 2:00 p.m. ET, 11:00 a.m. PT, as they interview Dr. Maryanne McGuckin, author of The Patient Survival Guide: 8 Simple Solutions to Prevent Hospital- and Healthcare-Associated Infections. Dr. McGuckin in an internationally renowned advocate for patient safety. Tune in to
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The Gift of Partnerships

Ay, you shall be together even in the silent memory of God. But let there be spaces in your togetherness, And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.  For the pillars of the temple stand apart, And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow. On Marriage Kahlil Gibran
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