If you are ready to answer your inner voice that’s saying “It’s time for a call to action,” then tune in to Fearless Fabulous YOU! Wednesday, October 11, 12 noon EST, to hear from Erin Vilardi, Founder & CEO of VoteRunLead, a a national non-profit organization dedicated to leveraging technology and train women to run for civic and political leadership. www.VoteRunLead.org
Some of you may ask, “How do I get started?” and “How can I make an impact in my local community, much less nationally?” I am asking Erin all of these questions and more and I encourage you to send me questions (melanie@melanieyoung.com Subject: “Ask Erin”). Or IM us on the W4WN Chat Room.
Erin has worked for The White House Project, and has served as a leadership development consultant for a range of clients, including the Yahoo! Business and Human Rights division and the Athena Center for Leadership at Barnard College, Columbia University. She worked with the U.S. State Department on several global girls initiatives and currently serves on the Advisory Board of Girl Meets World, the New American Leaders Project. Erin was an exective producer of a documentary on the fabulous Ann Richards, Texas’ late pioneering governer.

I’m proud to be a Badass Women. How About You? Read my latest blog: “I Won’t Back Down at www.melanieyoung.com
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