Wouldn’t it be great if you didn’t have to go to the pharmacy for over the counter drugs or prescribed medicines? Instead, why not turn to food to prevent and heal your body? The truth is Food is Medicine. Here to prove this is our guest, Dr. Patricia Bragg, Health Crusader, Angel of
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Food is Medicine! RECIPES. Thursday, 1pm ET
Contests, Health & Wellness, W4WN Live Radio Shows
Bragg Live Foods, breathe, Carolina Jantac RD, children, dads, Dr. Patricia Bragg, drink, eat and drink to avoid illness, eat to prevent disease, Ellen Briggs, family, Family Food Experts, Family Food Experts Kitchen, food, Food is Medicine, food pharmacy, foods that heal, foods that renew, grandchildren, grandmothers, grandparents, heal you mind and body with food, healing, healing with food, health, healthy eating, healthy food heals, healthy recipes, iHeartRadio TALK, Kid Kritics Approved, kids, live long active life, moms, mothers, Nutrition, parents, renew you mind and body with food, say and do., think, today is the first day of ther rest of your life, wellness, You are what you eat