Category Archives: sane talk

The Universe Does Revolve Around You

Remember growing up as a young child, and behaving as the center of attention? Remember your parents chastising you for being flamboyant? "Who do you think you are? The Universe doesn't revolve around you!" Your answer should have been, "Yes, it does, Mommy!" While there would have been dire penalties using that answer as a
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Do You Dream or Scheme?

Carol was in my office the other day, talking once again about the dress shop she dreamed of opening. Carol, a mythical name, comes once a month to talk about how unhappy she is, and more importantly, to dream. I asked her if she was dreaming or scheming about the shop. She laughed. Then sighed. “
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Stopping Those Pesky Expectations

Who had a houseful of holiday guests this last week? Who almost went off like a pressure cooker? Who blew an emotional fuse? Did your expectations get met, deflated or exceeded? Are you emotionally exhausted? The holidays are supposed to be a fun, joyous series of occasions. They get ruined with baseless expectations. Expectations are
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Shock Somebody Today: Do the Unexpected

In this season of gratitude, it’s time to shake up the energies around you. It’s time shock a few people with the unexpected gesture of gratitude. Gratitude is easy to express when it aimed at something we cherish or appreciate. It’s easy to be grateful for a beautiful rose bloom, its challenging
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How To Stay Grounded in a Crazy Metaphysical World

There’s drama in Andaraland. I was on the phone last night with a friend who is caught in the latest “who has the real Andaras?” drama as it unfolds. People made promises to keep information secret and blabbed like squealing piglets. There’s drama in Journeyland. The dust from rearranging my Shasta Journeys and
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There Is No Magic

There is no magic. There are no spells. There are, however, miracles, and you make them happen. Your life is all about the choices you make for yourself. Those choices are conscious and unconscious. But, you make them. If you are unhappy, if something is not working in your life, you are choosing that. No
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