According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 4.5 million Americans have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). One out of every 68 children has been diagnosed with some form of autism. This represents a 30 percent increase since 2012. With more people being diagnosed with the disorder, more families are working harder to understand how to help their
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Category Archives: asperger’s syndrome

Grace Under Pressure
Parenting is hard enough, but when your child doesn’t fit with society’s expectations, that job becomes even tougher.
Tune in to hear Dr Jo Anne White, host of Power Your Life, and guest Sophie Walker as they talk about parenting, running, and Asperger's.
Sophie’s daughter, Grace, has Asperger’s Syndrome. To find
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Grace Under Pressure
Parenting is hard enough, but when your child doesn't fit with society's expectations, that job becomes even tougher. Meet Sophie Walker: author, foreign correspondent, runner, and (most importantly) mother.
Sophie's daughter, Grace, has Asperger's Syndrome. To find the strength she needed to battle for her daughter's needs as well as her own, Sophie turned to
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