Daily Archives: September 26, 2013


There is a new food phenomenon, Meatless Monday.  Sounds like a great idea – but is it really?  What do you serve without meat, especially for dinner?  And, does this mean you are to fill plates with pasta or rice?  Where do you find foods filled with protein needed by growing active children?  To answer these
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Snooze, or You Lose!

We all know that adequate sleep is a cornerstone of good health. With sufficient sleep, we regenerate our immune system, reset our inflammatory pathways, balance our blood sugar, recalibrate our stress response, build stronger bones, and renew our digestive system. And, now, we can add boosting brainpower to this already impressive list! Read the rest
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Military Casualties of War ARE NOT Always on the Battlefield. TODAY, Agent Orange and Cancer: Treatment SOS, Thurs., Sep. 26th, 2:00 pm ET

Military Casualties of War ARE NOT Always on the Battlefield. TODAY, Agent Orange and Cancer: Treatment SOS, Thurs., Sep. 26th, 2:00 pm ET, 11:00 am PT, www.W4CS.com Guest: James Mullarkey, Director at National Biennial Symposium for Veterans. Jim is focused on the health of veterans, including the “invisible injuries of war” (PTSD). However, for
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