According to a report by product marketing company Mintel called, Snacking Motivations and Attitudes US 2015, nearly all Americans (94 percent) snack at least once a day. What is more, half (50 percent) of adults snack two to three times per day with 70 percent agreeing that anything can be considered a snack these days.
The good news from
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Monthly Archives: March 2016
Menopause Does not Mean Pushing the “Pause Button” on Enjoying Sex
According to a national study on sex conducted by Indiana University's Center for Sexual Health Promotion "Many older adults continue to have active pleasurable sex lives, reporting a range of different behaviors and partner types."
The same study reported that 46 percent of men and 33 percent of women over 70 report that they masturbate, and 43 percent of
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How To Boost the SHEconomy: March 21- Fearless Fabulous You!
In college I studied economics as part of my major, and I hated it! I just couldn't wrap my head around discussing business calculations using the term "widgets." I'd tell my professor, "Let's speak a language I can relate to, like shoes instead of widgets."
In 1989, without having taken a single business course, I launched
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She Helps Cancer Patients Savor Health Through Smart Nutrition
One of the toughest challenges for me when I was diagnosed with breast cancer was enjoying food. Here I was a well connected professional food and wine consultant with a welcome seat at all the great restaurants in New York City, and food no longer appealed to me. It wasn't that I stopped liking food.
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How To Clear Your Love Hurdles- Fearless Fabulous You! March 14
Some people have love handles. Others have love hurdles.
Love hurdles are the skips and starts, highs and lows we need to clear for a happier love life. It starts with loving yourself and projecting that love.
Self love is not easy for some women. Many of us are loving to others but self-doubting or
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Meet Souper Woman- Soupelina’s Elina Fuhrman
The healing power of soup can never be underestimated.
A warm bowl of chicken soup will ease a cold.
A mug of nourishing bone broth may be the only thing a cancer patient in treatment can tolerate.
[caption id="attachment_22802" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Veggie Healing Broth[/caption]
A cup of tomato soup
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