Category Archives: Uncategorized

They Told her It Was Postpartum Depression But It Wasn’t!

At SHARE's annual fundraiser, A Second Helping of Life Sept 21, Valerie Smaldone congratulated me on my radio show, Fearless Fabulous You!. Coming from Valerie, I was honored. She's hosted radio for years in the NYC area and is a respected media talent. Then she told me about a women named Wendy Baruchowitz who was diagnosed
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How Citymeals-on-Wheels Helps Fight Malnutrition Among Our Elderly

Usually when we think of malnutrition our thoughts drift  to impoverished areas of the United States or overseas to Third World countries. Rarely do we think about New York City much less a neighbor in your building. But the reality is New York City is home to nearly 1.3 million senior citizens age 60 years and older.
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Women Are More Likely To Injure Their Knees: Learn Important Health Tips Oct 19

Did you know females are four to six times more likely to injure their knees over men? And we're not necessarily talking only about older women. Young women athletes are more likely to injure their Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), the most common knee injury. A woman's physical build plus our female hormones are two reasons
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She Teaches Cancer Patients To Cook for their Life: Meet Ann Ogden Gaffney October 5

Share this: In the early 1990s, fashion industry executive Ann Odgen Gaffney found herself cooking and caring for a designer in the industry fighting AIDS, The experience taught her to be fearless which was especially helpful when she was diagnosed with kidney cancer in 2001. Fortunately, Ann recovered following her surgery and her life went back
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Alana Chernila’s Homemade Kitchen Wisdom: Fearless Fabulous You! Sept. 28th.

"Do Your Best, and Then Let Go" So reads one of the 13 chapters- and morsels- of kitchen wisdom in Alana Chernila's new cookbook, "The Homemade Kitchen." This is a book whose message is as much about how to approach life at a slow, measured and pleasurable pace as it is about about cooking with the
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Could Your Kids Make You Sick?

Recently I was at a birthday dinner where a mother shared her experience with lice. Both her sons had contracted lice at their school. I've heard this story from other parents whose children contract lice-or fleas-and infected the rest of the family. It made me curious: How can you keep your kids safe from germs
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