Category Archives: health

They Told her It Was Postpartum Depression But It Wasn’t!

At SHARE's annual fundraiser, A Second Helping of Life Sept 21, Valerie Smaldone congratulated me on my radio show, Fearless Fabulous You!. Coming from Valerie, I was honored. She's hosted radio for years in the NYC area and is a respected media talent. Then she told me about a women named Wendy Baruchowitz who was diagnosed
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Women Are More Likely To Injure Their Knees: Learn Important Health Tips Oct 19

Did you know females are four to six times more likely to injure their knees over men? And we're not necessarily talking only about older women. Young women athletes are more likely to injure their Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL), the most common knee injury. A woman's physical build plus our female hormones are two reasons
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Could Your Kids Make You Sick?

Recently I was at a birthday dinner where a mother shared her experience with lice. Both her sons had contracted lice at their school. I've heard this story from other parents whose children contract lice-or fleas-and infected the rest of the family. It made me curious: How can you keep your kids safe from germs
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Getting Intimate With Your Man’s Prostate and Why It Matters

September is National Prostate Awareness Month. Frankly, I would never have known if I did not write and report on health topics. Prostate cancer does not get the "noise" that breast cancer, or even ovarian cancer, receives. Yet, it is the most common cancer in men after skin cancer. According to statistics from the American
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SHARE Provides Peer Support for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer

Most people are aware that October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but how many of you are also aware that September Is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month? At the end of this article I have provided some information to give you a brief understanding of the impact both breast and ovarian cancer have on women in
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Living with Multiple Sclerosis, This Mom Shares Her Raw Energy To Stay Nourished & Strong

Imagine being diagnosed with a life threatening illness. "How can I gain control of my life and manage my health?" you ask. It's happened to me and to many friends and colleagues. And it happened to my guest August 24th on Fearless Fabulous You! Shari Leidich was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 2004. MS affects
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Living Beyond Breast Cancer- Fearless Fabulous You! Aug 17

Many people, including myself until I was diagnosed in August 2009, never really understand the complexity of breast cancer, which affects 1 in 8 women. Breast cancer impacts women- and men- of all ages and cultural backgrounds. While lifestyle choices may help reduce your risk, there are many factors that can be related to a breast cancer diagnosis
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Kicking Breast Cancer in the (Gr)ass Going Green

Walking the aisles of the Specialty Food Association’s Summer Fancy Food Show this year I was on the prowl to find healthy and delicious foods made by people with an inspiring story and mission. I found it in Shauna Martin, Founder of Daily Greens™. [caption id="attachment_3182" align="aligncenter" width="207"] Shauna Martin, Daily Greens[/
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This Ice Queen Has a Heart -Warming Story – Fearless Fabulous You July 6

According to the American Cancer Society more than 22,000 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer each year and another 15,000 lose their lives to the disease. One reason is there is no effective means of early detection for ovarian cancer, so it is often discovered at an advanced stage. Paulette Fox watched her mother, Sari,  battle ovarian
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