Category Archives: healthy recipes

Cooking with Olive Oil! TODAY 1pm ET

What do you get when you combine Greek heritage with California fresh produce? Mouth-watering, nutrient-powered recipes made with the olive oil! If you are interested in the history of this liquid gold (8th millennium BC), how it’s produced, the way to choose quality, and of course, how to use it for cooking, this show
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Fresh Food Power! RECIPES. SUNDAY. 1pm ET

  Have you ever thought of food having power? It actually has the power to improve or damage around 100 trillion cells from which all your organs, tendons, bones, blood – all of you are made. That’s a lot of power! We are going to focus on which fresh foods make you look healthy, be healthy, fill
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3 Simple Steps to Stress Reduction! TODAY. 1pm ET

Wouldn’t you love it if we could wave a magic wand and make all your stress disappear? What a great Mother’s Day gift that would be! Good news, though we have not yet located that wand, we do have a gift for you, time with April O’Leary who has created 3 Simple Steps
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Planting Your Meals! TODAY. 1pm ET

Have you ever thought of planting you meals? Why not? It is easier than you think. Our ancestors depended on seeds and soil to feed their families. Coop farming was common in communities which added to variety. You may be amazed to find out how little space you need to yield a lot of vegetables
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Human Body Trivia! TODAY ET

Did you know that your brain generates more energy (electric impulses) in one day than all the cell phones on the planet?  How about the fact your heart contracts more than 100,000 times a day to push blood through about 60,000 miles of blood vessels!  And there’s more, about 30-40,000 dead cells fall off your skin
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Get a Fresh Start with Clean Food! Thurs. 1pm ET

When you hear someone talk about “clean food” what comes to mind?  Do you wonder how it is defined and what it looks like in your grocery store?  Also, why would you choose to eat it; how does it impact your daily energy levels and overall health?  Our guest, Jeannette Bessinger, The Clean Food Coach,
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Mindful Eating – Why This Matters! Meet Keri Gans. SUNDAY. 1pm ET

Have you ever looked down at an empty bag of chips or pint of ice cream and wondered where it all went?  Then it hits you, you ate all of it though you only remember enjoying the first couple of bites.  This would be mindless eating.   How about the time you bought a large popcorn
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Food Sound Bites – Science Fiction or Fact. SUNDAY. 1pm ET

Here’s your chance to learn what food news is science fiction or science fact.  How many times have you heard it is okay to eat egg yolks one day and the next, not!  Or, perhaps you only heard part of what was said, which may be just part of what was reported from the
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Healing Meals. RECIPES. SUNDAY. 1pm ET

Most of us have faced the struggle of how to feed a child back to health who is sick with the flu or a cold.  Some have dealt with nursing loved ones who have had ear infections, stomach bugs, chickenpox or bronchitis.  Now, too many are now facing the difficult challenge of how to feed
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Weeknight Wonders Recipes by Ellie Krieger (Food Network). SUNDAY. 1pm ET

It’s Thursday night and you have nothing for dinner.  Take- out is expensive and not so healthy.  What is a mom to do?  And, what will you serve on all those other work night dinners: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday?  Ellie Krieger, noted chef on the Food Network, nutritionist, and cookbook author is here to
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