Sarah Spiritual Enterprises The Expedito Enlightenment Center April 2014
SarahSpiritual invites you to be our guest for...
Our Sixth Annual Expedito Celebration of Community and Miracles Saturday Evening, April 12 at 5:30 PM AT The Expedito Enlightement Center 4047 Okeechobee Blvd Habitat Plaza WPB - Shine or Rain -
Join us for our Expedito Family Celebration! This promises to
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Monthly Archives: March 2014
What is Channeling?
March 31st at 6:00 pm CST/ 7:00 pm EST
Beyond the Veil: Monday with Metatron BONUS WEEK: "What is Channeling"
Join our Master Team of Psychics
Julie Geigle, International Psychic Medium & Spiritual Teacher at
Diana Blagdon, Psychic, Life & Business Coach at
Katherine Glass, Psychic Medium & Healer at www.
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4/9-The Tao: What is Taoism at work and life? (Robert Rosenbaum)
Have you ever found someone at work seriously irritating? How do you effectively manage two people who are fighting at work or home? Or a conflict your are having with another person at work or home? Power plays are most common, but what are some other options that we can learn from the Tao? How
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4/2: Hardwiring Happiness: How you can train your brain to be happy? (Rick Hanson)
Ultimately, aren’t we all just looking for happiness? It may be expressed as peace, contentment, or a sense of love. Sadly, our brain that is a velcro for the BAD works against us. How can retrain our brain to be happy? Join CJ as she talks to NY Times best-selling author, Dr. Rick Hanson,
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Inner Lately – Tuesday April 1 – “Ask Lately”
Ask Lately – This Tuesday! Join Host Beth Lynch as she shares inspiration from channelings she has experienced over the last 18 years as well as connects you to the light & love of those who have crossed over.
Medium/Intuitive Beth Lynch will be taking calls LIVE this week. Call in for intuitive guidance or to
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“The Angelic Realm with Jill Harrison”
This week on Wisdom & Wonders learn about the amazing life and work of Jill and Glenn Harrison. Jill has been receiving angelic messages since she was a very young child, and has now devoted her life to sharing those messages. Jill and Glenn have a created a beautiful selection of guided meditations that were
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Mindful Eating – Why This Matters! Meet Keri Gans. SUNDAY. 1pm ET
Have you ever looked down at an empty bag of chips or pint of ice cream and wondered where it all went? Then it hits you, you ate all of it though you only remember enjoying the first couple of bites. This would be mindless eating. How about the time you bought a large popcorn
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Energy Healer Carey Stokes will be Sarah’s guest TODAY at 5PM ET on Spiritually Speaking w/ Sarah
Energy Healer Carey Stokes will be Sarah’s guest TODAY at 5PM ET! Join Sarah and Carey as they discuss Shamanism, Don Pascual Flores and the upcoming Despacho Ceremony at the Expedito Enlightenment Center!
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Do You Have the Courage to Face Your Challenges?
Do you ever feel like you can't face your challenges? What if the only thing you needed to face them was already in you?
Join Dr Jo Anne White, host of Power Your Life, as she chats with guest Debra Oakland about how you can overcome even your biggest challenges with courage.
Debra Oakland is
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Beginning Yoga to Intermediate- Picking your Yoga Practice
Are you just beginning yoga and not sure where to start? Have you been doing yoga for years and want to expand your yoga practice and try new things? Maybe, you tried yoga and had a bad first experience and want to do some more homework before you approach another class? Join CJ as she
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