Do you eat deconstructed salads? Sometimes I like to arrange the different ingredients separately in a pretty presentation on a plate; other times I just toss them all up in a bowl. With farmers markets in full season now, I find it hard to pass up any fresh fruits and vegetables. Every salad I prepare
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Category Archives: healthy eating

What Made Two Die-Hard Vegans Start Eating Fish? Fearless Fabulous You! August 1
Authors of "The Vegan Cheat Sheet," Amy Cramer and Lisa McComsey have been vegan eaters for many years. Amy teaches vegan cooking classes and is founder of Vegan Eats which produces grab- and- go vegan meals sold in Whole Foods stores and online. Lisa is an avid marathoner, cyclist and widely published freelance writer. They
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Easy Tips for Healthy Snacking- Fearless Fabulous You! March 28
According to a report by product marketing company Mintel called, Snacking Motivations and Attitudes US 2015, nearly all Americans (94 percent) snack at least once a day. What is more, half (50 percent) of adults snack two to three times per day with 70 percent agreeing that anything can be considered a snack these days.
The good news from
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Good and Cheap- Eating Well on $4 A Day with Leanne Brown
Can you eat on a $4 a day budget? I bet your $4 latte or juice you say you can't.
But $4 is the daily budget 46 million Americans must survive on to eat, based on the allocation of SNAP, the U.S. government's food stamps program. And millions more, including cash strapped working parents, fixed income retirees, students
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Kicking Breast Cancer in the (Gr)ass Going Green
Walking the aisles of the Specialty Food Association’s Summer Fancy Food Show this year I was on the prowl to find healthy and delicious foods made by people with an inspiring story and mission. I found it in Shauna Martin, Founder of Daily Greens™.
[caption id="attachment_3182" align="aligncenter" width="207"] Shauna Martin, Daily Greens[/
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Shop for Your Health and Allergy Busting Tips- Fearless Fabulous You June 1
Certified Health Coach Maria Marlowe helps busy women make healthy choices to stay fit and fabulous. She's a soul sister in health and wellness, and I'm delighted to have her join me on Fearless Fabulous You! on W4WN June 1, 9p.m to discuss her new guide to healthy Grocery Shopping. Check it out on
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Tips for Eating Healthy Asian Food- Fearless Fabulous You! March 23
Growing up in Chattanooga, Tennessee, dining out with my parents often meant eating at Asian restaurants. My parents traveled extensively in Asia when I was very young and fell in love with the flavors of the food, especially the cuisines of Japan and Thailand. There were barely a handful of Asian restaurants in Chattanooga back
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Rebecca Katz Joins Fearless Fabulous You March 9
When I was undergoing breast cancer treatment in 2010 a friend gave me a copy of Rebecca Katz's award winning book, The Cancer Fighting Kitchen. It remains one of my favorite books to refer to for healthy cooking and nurturing, nourishing recipes. Rebecca's newest book is The Healthy Mind Cookbook: Big-Flavor Recipes to Enhance Brain Function,
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Fearless Fabulous Women February 23
There's been several news stories recently about the new U.S. Dietary Guidelines. The bottom line: Nearly 90 percent of the U.S. population needs to eat more vegetables and we all eat too much sugar. A few foods that many of us were shying away from for health reasons received a cleaner bill of health:
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Become Supermarket Savvy and Power Up Your Pantry- Fearless Fabulous You! Feb 9
Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin once said, "Dis-Moi Ce Que Tu Manges, Je Te Dirai Ce Que Tu Es." (Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are.") Sadly if most people living in the U.S. were defined literally by what they eat we'd have a lot of genetically modified, artificially produced
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